Globalism. Do young people even know what this is? The fake news will tell you it’s a wonderful thing! Social credit scores worldwide will be great for everyone, they say! And nobody should worry, as long as they are living exactly the way THEY want you to live. You will have nothing, but you will be happy! Is anyone buying this crap? I don’t care how old or young you are, if you think that slavery is a great thing for you and everybody else, you should check in to the nearest loony bin!
Their talisman, mascot, and idol, is the physical toy globe. They shove it in our faces, as soon as we enter the state-run educational system. It’s in all the stores that have maps, stationery, or home décor. That little toy globe is everywhere! And in most cases, underneath it says “not to be used for educational purposes.” Isn’t that interesting? They make it seem like it’s an absolutely accurate map, but it’s absolutely not!
For the last 500 years, there have been just a few select people (Freemasons, no doubt) claiming that the Earth is a globe, spinning and gyrating and wobbling in the vacuum of outer space. They did experiments with sticks and shadows, among other things. Then they called that “proof”! In a world without phones or internet, they somehow captured the attention of “royal families,” and those powers that be liked it, and they ran with it! And they’re still trying to run with it! Well, good luck with that.
When you look into true history, it would seem that our Earth has been “re-set” several times. That is, the elimination of most of the human race, the re-writing of history solely for an agenda, and for some reason we always have to start over using fire for light and heat, when our ancestors had free energy for all!
We are actually in the midst of a re-set right now! They are eliminating many of us with bad “health care,” injections, poisons, wars, and hate. They’re threatening to shut down our grid, internet, and everything that makes life easier for us. If that happens for a lengthy time, most of us will die. And there you have it! Another re-set!
But this time, many of us know the truth. We have survival skills, equipment, weapons, and food. We know that it’s all about good vs. evil, God vs. Satan, and we know what could happen here, and very soon.
An Armageddon? Perhaps. But We The People are aiming for a much better re-set this time. The right re-set. The one where WE win. We (The Good People) can see it coming, and we are really trying to get it right this time, so that we never have to deal with these demons again!
“When” is the big question. The next big question is, “Will we be alive to see it?” Well, I guess that depends on “When.”
And for those who still think that Globalism is a good thing, have you opened your eyes lately? There is violence in our big city streets! These are the cities where people are supposed to be safe to go to work and make the money to feed their families! In the Globalists’ evil, corrupt world, violence is what they adore! They bring to our soils the scum of the Earth from other shithole countries in order to make America a shithole, as well. At the very least, we should feel safe in our own cities! But they defund peace officers, even allowing violence towards them! So, sure they’re not present to save us? Would you be?
I recently asked a young woman how things are looking in Syracuse, New York, where she lives. She simply said, “Oh, I don’t go out.” What? A young 30-year old doesn’t even go out?! That’s all I did when I was 30! This is all such a horrible shame! Maybe those who believe that Globalism is a good thing don’t have jobs, and don’t go out at all.
They talk about “climate change” like it’s a terrible thing. Well, Nature is certainly not a terrible thing! And the climate does change. But when these demons poison and seed our clouds with horrible chemicals that create unnatural weather patterns and storms, not to mention how these chemicals are damaging us, yeah, that has proven to be terrible alright!
Who is believing this shit?! It’s far too obvious for anyone with half a brain to not see it!
And good health is a THREAT to these Deceivers! They can’t make money on you, if you are in good health! That’s why they are poisoning our air, water, food, and “vaccines.” I could never in my life imagine that good health would be a threat to anyone. But the Globalists are counting on you to be sick forever, so that they can cash in on you … forever! Until they kill you.
We used to be able to get our world news from the TV set. Not anymore! They only tell you what they want you to believe. And people who still listen to it, BELIEVE IT! Now, at this point in time, that’s what is unbelievable!
By now, everyone on this Flat Earth should absolutely know that the mainstream media outlets are totally controlled by the Deceivers (Globalists/Zionists/Khazarian Mafia/Communists/Marxists!) They’re all LIARS! There is no truth there at all! That means TV, newspapers, magazines, history books, PBS and History channels, and everything that we USED TO depend on for history, health advice, science, and weather. It’s getting more and more difficult to find old books, and even older civilization truth on our politically- and pathetically-controlled internet. Some “information highway,” right? It should contain all truth, and not depend on who is in control of it at the time!
There are patents for cars that run on water! We had electric cars and lots and lots of charging stations all over the place in the early 1900’s! It was easy then, because that was when we all had free electricity. See what a mess greed causes? Do you think Globalists will let that EVER happen again? Air ships were luxurious and safe. But the Globalists’ money is in oil. They couldn’t have cheap luxury for the masses!
If the Globalists are permitted to continue to hide the truth about everything from us, we will go through yet another re-set that may put us back to cowboy times! Don’t let them hide the truth from you! Find it! Believe me, it is worth it!
In the 1960’s, a physicist by the name of Auguste Piccard was the first man to enter the stratosphere of our realm, and he stated that the Earth was a “disk with upturned edges”! He saw that with his own eyes! Shortly afterwards, our governments “showed us” images (artist renderings) of what they need us to believe that space looks like! Not a disk with upturned edges like the man physically saw with his own eyes.
The Deceivers desperately need for us to stay in this mind trap, thinking that we are a spec of nothing in the universe, created by nothing, and that we mean nothing. This is just not true. And the sooner more of us realize that, the freer we will be – in an instant. Because that’s what truth does. It frees you!
I am free of their scientism, their formulations that make no sense at all, their lies about our origins, their deception about our enemies, and their nonsense about climate change, disease X, and the boogy man! It is a beautiful world, and the Globalists are attempting to ruin every single aspect of it. Nature and our bodies take care of us, but the Globalists continue to try to destroy all of this, poisoning our air, water, food, and minds.
They are trying so hard to keep us in fear with the next “deadly virus,” along with the fear of a possible world war right on our soil. It has felt like a war, alright, but not against other countries, against our own government – they are the ones hurting us.
So, what can we do to stop it? Well, I’m not sure if there’s anything we can stop, except for their mind-fucking. We do have control of our own minds, after all. And if we stop, just STOP watching their mainstream bullshit narratives, and live the way we want to live – in peace, and ignoring their narratives – we can eventually stop them. They just hate being ignored!
Grow your own food to stop being poisoned by them. Pray to God, and meditate on peace, along with the rest of the world – yes, we are always praying and meditating on peace. Find out about natural cures and supplements for longevity. Never stop taking care of your own body, and don’t let THEM take care of it. Spend your money on things that make you feel stronger, safer, and happy!
Happiness is the way to stop them. Happiness is what every person on this Earth, flat or not, wants. Do your best to get that for yourself, and stop worrying about what they want for us. We don’t care what they want for us. They will NEVER take over those who reject them! NEVER! I think that’s kind of a great little plan for the masses.